Songtext Unfollow Me

Unfollow Me

Melodie: Uncle Kracker (Follow Me), Text: Mary Cronos

(Im Rahmen der Unfollow-Me-Kampagne konnte ich gar nicht anders, als an diesen Song aus meiner Jugend zu denken und plötzlich entstand in meinem Kopf ein anderer Text dazu, den ich einfach ob seiner Bedeutung mit Euch teilen will.)


You don’t know how you found me,
Followed, liked and shared,
But now you might turn around and I don’t care.
‚Cuz if you stay you will read
in my feed,
‚bout outcasts, coming frightened
across the sea.


I’m singin‘
Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you won’t feel with them in the middle of the night.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.


I am worried ‚bout the things I wear,
Cuz as long as no one shares, nobody cares.
You’re feelin‘ guilty and I’m well aware.
But you don’t look ashamed and that’s why I am scared.


I’m singin‘
Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you yell at ya kids in the middle of the night.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.


Not doing this for money,
But to help. At least I try.
You’re better off, if you ask me why.
I want to stop you from going astray but
We’ll be all right if I don’t ask you to stay.


Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you harass young women in the middle of the night.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.


You don’t know how you found me,
Followed, liked and shared,
But now you might turn around and I don’t care.
‚Cuz if you stay you’ll read
in my feed,
‚bout people, struggling, searching and in need.


I’m singin‘
Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you bully others in the middle of the night.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.


Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you hurt those who trust you, ‚cuz that’s what you like.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.


Unfollow me, if you think, you do right,
When you’re feeling happy in the middle of a fight.
And if you
Want to leave I can guarantee,
You will find many others just like me.

Mary Cronos

Autorin, Künstlerin, Podcasterin

Mary ist ein kreatives Chaos in Person. Neben ihrer Autorentätigkeit bietet sie ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch Dienstleistungen wie Coaching und Beratung, Cover- und Werbedesign, Portrait- und Eventfotografie sowie Illustrationen an. 2019 startete sie darüber hinaus ihren Kreativpodcast Carpe Artes und 2020 mit Sabrina Schuh Fakriro – die Messebühne für Selfpublisher, die inzwischen durch zahlreiche Nebenprojekte ergänzt wurde. Die neuestes Projekte sind „Spiritus Daemonis“ mit Autorenkollege Jan Gießmann und ihre zahlreichen Shows auf Twitch.

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