BloodyNightCon Europe + Spain is coming

Hello my dear friends out there,

who is attending BloodyNightCon or BloodyNightCon Europe these year? I can’t wait to see my extended family again! And like always my awesometastic and incredible smart Mission:Change team and I have a lot of cool stuff for you.

mission change offers

First thing – for sure: We will bring the Mission:Change-Shirts 2015. And of course we will also bring the Mission:Change 2015-Poster! We will bring some more pieces than ordered, so some of you may have the luck to join us on the spur of the moment. AND there are two more things during the Con in Brussels: We created a nice weddingcard for our newly-married couple Nikki and Ian Somerhalder. For 2€ you can sign this card, given to Ian (and maybe Nikki?) on stage Saturday. The second event: Not only but also for partypeople we offer a BloodyNightShooting on Saturday about 6-9pm. Dress up for some unique photo-memories! The cool thing: We take as many photos as you like – FOR FREE – and you order and pay only the photos you like (you will be able to check directly after/during the shooting). We can’t wait to catch all your lucky faces. Visit us. Talk to us. You will find us – otherwise we’ll find you. 😉



the wingscriber pls sig

Mary Cronos

Autorin, Künstlerin, Podcasterin

Mary ist ein kreatives Chaos in Person. Neben ihrer Autorentätigkeit bietet sie ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen auch Dienstleistungen wie Coaching und Beratung, Cover- und Werbedesign, Portrait- und Eventfotografie sowie Illustrationen an. 2019 startete sie darüber hinaus ihren Kreativpodcast Carpe Artes und 2020 mit Sabrina Schuh Fakriro – die Messebühne für Selfpublisher, die inzwischen durch zahlreiche Nebenprojekte ergänzt wurde. Die neuestes Projekte sind „Spiritus Daemonis“ mit Autorenkollege Jan Gießmann und ihre zahlreichen Shows auf Twitch.

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Messeservice für Selfpublisher
Literarische Onlinemese
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EXORbay Eso-Shop
Literarische LateNight-Show

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